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To our Patients about Staying Healthy During a Viral Pandemic

Re-posted with the permission of Perio Protect.

Casey HeinOne of the strongest defenses we have against virus’, such as COVD-19, is a robust immune system so we can fight infection – that’s why we’re doing our best to help our patients boost their immunity.


There are a number of scientifically-based recommendations to help boost your immune system such as eating nutritious foods and balancing our diet, making sure to get adequate sleep and physical activity, getting outdoors for some sunshine, and managing stress.


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But also, research suggests that treating chronic infections, including in the mouth, may help improve immunity.





Poor oral health influences immunity and if periodontal disease (gum disease) is left untreated, it may negatively impact your overall immunity.



For many years we’ve known that bacteria from gum disease can be aspirated into the lungs. When this happens, the lung’s ability to fight infection is disrupted, which may increase the risk for co-infections, such as virus’, like COVID-19.


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That’s why, more than ever before, we’re being especially diligent in examining patients for gum disease or any signs of oral inflammation. And, for those who have gum disease, it’s important to get treated as soon as possible.


Thorough oral hygiene will reduce the bad bacteria in your mouth. That’s a good thing! This includes brushing your teeth twice a day with an anti-microbial toothpaste, and cleaning in between your teeth with floss or pics. A water irrigation device and antimicrobial mouthwashes are other tools for keeping your mouth clean. The goal is to decrease the bacterial burden in your mouth.


© 2020 Casey Hein BSDH, RDH, MBA. All Rights Reserved

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